Saturday 15 May 2010

How does the poem "Night of the Scorpion" appeal to the senses of the reader through imagery? i actually want the imagery of the poem and the...

"Night of
the Scorpion," by Nissim Ezekiel, is a narrative poem that includes several striking
images.  These images can be interpreted as symbols.

The poem begins by
telling that "Ten hours / of steady rain had driven him [the scorpion] / to crawl beneath a
sack of rice."  Later, the poet clearly identifies the scorpion as "the Evil
One."  The scorpion's hiding beneath a sack of rice can now be seen as a symbol of the evil
that is hidden in various places in the world and in ourselves.

The peasants
who come to help the narrator's mother are depicted as being little more than powerless insects

The peasants came like swarms of

and buzzed the name of God a hundred


Later, the peasants are again compared to powerless

More candles, more lanterns, more


more insects...

contrast to the superstitious peasants, the narrator's father represents rational modernity:
"My father, sceptic, rationalist."  In this time of crisis, however, the father's
rationalism is ineffective, and he resorts to incantations and folk remedies:


[My father] trying every curse and
powder, mixture, herb and hybrid.
He even poured a little
upon the bitten toe and put a match to it.
I watched the flame
feeding on my mother.

These images, among others, appeal
to the reader's senses, and help bring to life the poem's symbolic

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