Sunday 30 September 2012

In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, what happens at the Capulets' ball?

In Act I,
Scene IV of s, ,andare discussing their plan to attend the ball at
the Capulets estate, a proposition for which Romeo holds serious reservations.  Shakespeares
play opens with a confrontation between the Capulets and Montagues in the streets of Verona, and
tensions remain high.  Romeos infatuation with Rosaline, a Capulet, and the cousin of the girl
for whom he would subsequently fall, provides the motivation for this foolhardy act, but
Mercutio and Benvolio in particular are keen to proceed with their plan.  Mercutio technically
has little to fear, as, despite being Romeos closest friend, he is not a blood relative of any
Montague and is related to Prince Escalus, thereby inoculating him against the worst impulses of
the Capulets.  In any event, the three sneak into the costume ball, wearing masks to disguise
their identities.  While Romeos focus is on spying Rosaline, it is at the Capulet Ball where he
spotsfor the first time.  The 13-year-old girl is intent on wedding Count , a prominent figure
in Verona and a relative of Prince Escalus, but Romeo is smitten, inquiring of a servant, What
lady is that, which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight?  Romeos voice is correctly identified
by a Capulet, , a particularly hateful figure with respect to the feud between the two families:
Tis he, that villain Romeo.  Capulet intervenes, however, and Tybalt is left angered by the
unwelcome intrusion of a Montague.  Juliet, in the meantime, plays to Count Paris, but is as
smitten by Romeos introduction as Romeo is by her.  Juliets nurse, however, knowing of Romeos
identity, warns Juliet of the perils of falling for this young man: His name is Romeo, and a
Montague; The only son of your great enemy, prompting Juliets observation:

My only love sprung from my only hate!

early seen unknown, and known too late!

Prodigious birth of love it is to

That I must love a loathed enemy

The scene ends, the two protagonists having met and fallen immediately in love with
each other.

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