Friday 27 April 2012

What two questions does the narrator ask the raven towards the end of "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe?

The speaker in ""
asks the bird if there's anything that will ease his heartache, and if there's any chance he'll
see his lost love in the afterlife.

Let's check out the
details of these two questions:

1. In the fourth-to-last stanza, the speaker
asks the raven:

there- is there balm in Gilead?

What he means is, "Is there anything that will comfort my
soul?" We know that the speaker is in a deep depression brought on by grief over the death
of his love, , so by asking if there's balm in Gilead, he's asking if there's anything that will
soothe his pain or offer relief from his profound sadness.

You'll notice that
this is not a very specific question. (It's a reference to the Bible, in the book of Jeremiah,
when someone originally spoke that question when demanding to know why the "daughter of his
people" hadn't yet been healed.)

2. In the third-to-last stanza, the
speaker gets more specific and asks the bird if there's a chance that he can see his beloved
Lenore in the afterlife. In other words, he's asking if it's true that his soul and the soul of
Lenore will once again be joined after death.

I suppose if you want to be
very picky, you could say the speaker doesn't really ask a question but instead makes a demand
for information in the form of "Tell me..."

Anyway, here's how he
requests this final piece of information:

Tell this soul
with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,

It shall clasp a sainted
maiden whom the angels name Lenore- 

Of course, the
bird's answer is "no" ("nevermore") and it upsets the speaker so much that
he yells and tries to get the bird to leave, but it won't.


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