Sunday 8 April 2012

In chapter 14 of To Kill a Mockingbird, how does Atticus react to Dill returning to the Finch household. What does he tell the children and how do...

does not seem completely
surprised to find Dill hiding in his house, and tells the children he needs some food and makes
a joke about him needing a bath.  They are not surprised their father would treat Dill

When Dills mother gets married, he feels
abandoned and decides to go back to Maycomb.  The children find him hiding under s bed.  They
know that they cant just keep his presence a secret, because his parents will be worried about
him.  They decide to tell Atticus, and as usual he is aware of the situation and

When Scout finds Dill under her bed, at first she thinks he is
a snake.  Then he tells them a sad tale, of why he had to leave.  Since it is Dill, it involves
a whopper about his stepfather tying him up in the basement. 

responds to the emergency with his usual respectful patience.  The children show maturity in
calling for his help, after they have calmed Dill down.

finally found my voice: Its okay, Dill. When he wants you to know somethin€˜, he tells

Dill looked at me. I mean its all right, I said. You know he wouldnt
bother you, you know you aint scared of Atticus.

Im not scared€¦ Dill

Just hungry, Ill bet. Atticuss voice had its usual pleasant
dryness. (Ch. 14)

Atticus says Dill needs some real food,
asks him to clean up with a joke about soil erosion thatexplains to him, and says he wont tell
Rachel where Dill is yet.  He knows that Dill will continue to panic until he has had some food
and rest. 

Eventually though, the truth about Dill comes out.  He ran away
because his parents were ignoring him.

I raised up on my
elbow, facing Dills outline. Its no reason to run off. They dont get around to doin€˜ what
they say theyre gonna do half the time€¦

That wasnt it, hethey just wasnt
interested in me. (Ch. 14)

Dill had so desperately wanted
a family for so long, and especially a father, that when he finally got one he expected the man
to live up to his expectations.  Instead, he was disappointed.  The man was much more interested
in his mother than him.  As a result, he ran away to Maycomb, where he knew that he was always
welcome and wanted.  There, he felt like part of the family.

Dill clearly
contrasts Atticus with his own stepfather.  Scout reminds him that Atticus is not always there,
but it is not the being there that counts.  Atticus clearly cares.  He does not jump to
conclusions, and he treats his own children and other children, like Dill, with respect and
kindness.  This is what makes Atticus a role model to Dill.


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