Saturday 18 August 2012

How is technology portrayed in George Orwell's novel 1984?

technology in is all very much portrayed to drive home the fear of an
absolute surveillance state. Cutting-edge technology is used in Oceania as a means of repression
and fear and revolves largely around the spread of information. This ranges from the personal
information of all citizens to a vast network of propaganda sharing that is used to control the
Outer Party's emotions and force them to direct all of their negativity toward entities that
oppose the party. Sometimes these enemies seem to not exist in reality.

Emmanuel Goldstein, for example, is the subject of the daily "two minutes
hate," a ritual wherein the subject's face is projected on screens throughout the entire
city for citizens to deride. This is an example of how technology in 1984
helps to facilitate propaganda. With huge screens all over the city, people begin to look at the
information that these screens present as coming from an omnipotent source rather than a
totalitarian government.

By constantly bombarding...

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