Sunday 6 March 2011

How is the rivalry between the feuding families in Romeo and Juliet a catalyst for events that lead up to Romeo and Juliets demise?

Theenmity and rivalry between the Capulets
and the Montagues propelsevents forward after it happened by chance thatand his friendswere
invited, though their identities were unknown, to Capulet's party.It was here that the other
critical element catalyzing the rushing of to their deaths is introduced in the person of ,with
whom 's parents are arranging a marriage on Juliet's behalf.

Hadthe feud not
been raging between Capulet and Montague, perhaps Julietcould have made a successful case to her
parents that she be allowed tomarry Romeo instead of Paris, whom she thoroughly disliked. It was
to escape an impending wedding to Paris that more fuel was added to thecatalyst of the feud that
was driving Romeo and Juliet forward.

JULIET: I will not
marry yet; and, when I do, I swear,
It shall be Romeo, whom you know I
Rather than Paris. These are news indeed!

Itwas directly related to the feud between the families that Romeo cameto slay . The
youths of each house unfortunately met withunresolved grudges for the death of ; it was almost
inevitablethat more tempers would flare causing Romeo to be a murderer and theassassin of his
new wife's kinsman.

Ina direct connection to the catalyst of the family
rivalry, it was thisconfrontation between the youths of each feuding house that forced Romeo
intoexile thus forcing Juliet to a desperate plan to escape a polygamousmarriage to Paris, thus
forcing Romeo to return to try to save her. Hereturned at the wrong time, arriving too soon so
that he sees only theherb induced comma. Had the families obeyedand soughtpeace--without the
sacrifice of their children first--there may havebeen no unquenchable catalyst to drive their
demises forward.

PRINCE: Where be these enemies? Capulet!
See, what a scourge is laid upon your hate,
That heaven finds means
to kill your joys with love.
And I for winking at your discords too
Have lost
a brace of kinsmen: all are punish'd.

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