Friday 23 July 2010

What are some examples of Big Brother, Newspeak or thoughtcrime in the real world?

thoughtcrime in is having any thought that is not completely orthodox.
Today, people's lives can be ruined if they tweet something that is not politically correct
according to the standards of a particular group or if they stand up for an unorthodox opinion:
for the "crime" of free speech, they can have their private information plastered
across the internet, receive death threats, and have to leave their homes to protect their
family members.

Newspeak is the attempt to simplify the language as much as
possible. Simplified versions of classic texts, such as works by Edgar Allen Poe or O'Henry,
which use only a sixth or eighth grade vocabulary, can be seen as a version of Newspeak. Much
more can be gained intellectually by struggling with a difficult text and much lost using a
simplified version, even if it is easier. Difficult words can communicate difficult concepts and
can challenge us to think.

Big Brothers, dictatorial figures who lie,
manipulate people, and bullyall while demanding unconditional loyaltypop up over and over again.
Two prominent examples from the past would be Hitler and Stalin. I wouldn't want to comment on
today, but you could surely come up with more than one, perhaps even in your school.

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