Friday 16 September 2011

In Animal Farm, once the humans have been chased from the farm, what do the animals do?

With the
unceremonious departure of the drunken farmer Mr. Jones, the hated human oppressor has been
defeated once and for all. 's political vision of Animalism has come to fruition at long last.
The animals are now in charge of the farmno longer Manor Farmthat's a human namebut
Animal Farm. Things are going to be very different from now on.

At first, the animals are positively giddy with their newfound freedom. They gallop
round the boundaries of their extensive new landholdings, making absolutely certain that there
are no humans around. Confident that they are now masters of all they survey, they then race
back to the farm buildings to destroy every last vestige of the old regime.

The animals are particularly keen to get rid of all the tangible symbols of their
erstwhile oppression: bits, harnesses, dog chains, nose rings, and those horrible knives that
Jones used to castrate pigs and lambs. Each and every one of them is gathered up and flung down
a well. Then it's time to get hold of all those items used by humans to control and objectify
horsesnosebags, reins, halters, blinkers, ribbons, and whipsand make a gigantic bonfire out of
them. The animals are particularly happy to see the whips go up in smoke; to them, it symbolizes
the end of their oppression.

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