Tuesday 2 November 2010

What is Juliet's appearance in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet?

We are not
told much by Shakespeare about 's appearance, but may be able to
surmise a few things.

One thing we know for sure
is that she is very, very young. She is presently thirteen and will
soon be turning fourteen.  One place we are told Juliet's age is whenasksfor Juliet's hand in
marriage, apparently not for the first time, and we see Capulet respond by saying, "She
hath not seen the change of fourteen years; / Let two more summers wither in their pride,"
meaning that she is just barely fourteen, and he wants her to wait until she is sixteen to
become married (I.ii.9-10). Since we know that Juliet is still very young, we know that most
likely she still looks very young. She may
have a fully developed figure; she may not. We know she is very beautiful, but due to her age,
her face probably also still looks very

We may also be able to surmise some things about her
looks based on the thingssays about her. For example, he is frequently saying how
brightly she shines
. We might be able to deduce from this that she has
fair coloring, including fair skin; bright, blond hair; and fair
eyes, but we must also remember that this is set in Italy, and most Italians have dark coloring.
If we don't want to deduce that she has fair coloring, we can at least deduce that she must have
very fair skin. We see Romeo allude to Juliet's brightness the very
first time he sees her. For example, he declares, "O, she doth teach the torches to burn
bright!," meaning that she is brighter than even the flames on the torches emitting light
and therefore teaching them how to burn (I.v.46). Hence, since Romeo frequently refers to her as
bright, we can deduce that, even if she is not blond, she most likely has very
fair skin

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