Monday 1 November 2010

In Ernest Hemingway's short story "Hills Like White Elephants," what is the couple's probable final decision?

At the very
end of his short story ,fails to make absolutely clear the decision that the couple finally
make: do they plan to have an abortion (as the man desires) or do they plan to have the baby (as
Jig seems to desire)?  The closing paragraphs of the story provide no unambiguous evidence
either way:

He picked up the two heavy bags and carried
them around the station to the other tracks. He looked up the tracks but could not see the
train. Coming back, he walked through the bar-room, where people waiting for the train were
drinking. He drank an Anis at the bar and looked at the people. They were all waiting reasonably
for the train. He went out through the bead curtain. She was sitting at the table and smiled at

Do you feel better? he asked.

I feel fine, she
said. Theres nothing wrong with me. I feel fine.

very last words are clearly ironic: she does not feel fine. Whether they
are deliberately ironic and self-consciously sarcastic is another question. She may simply be
exhausted and compliant. Hemingway effectively leaves the ending of the story ambiguous so that
readers will have to think for themselves and decide what they think the couples future will

If one had to predict their future, a good case can
be made that the American does get his way. Some reasons for making this assumption include the

  • He has gotten his way, apparently, all throughout their
    relationship up to this point.
  • Jig seems, by this point in the story, to
    have lost her desire to fight. She even smiles at the man, although whether that smile is
    sincere or forced is another point of uncertainty.
  • The man does move the
    bags to the other side of the station €“ the side where the train will be arriving.  He seems to
    assume that Jig will board the train and go on to Madrid, as planned. Whether she will actually
    have the abortion once she gets there is yet another question that Hemingway leaves open. It is
    entirely possible that they will have another argument after they board the train or after they
    arrive in Madrid.
  • Jigs final comment €“ I feel fine €“ can be read as a
    sign of resignation and defeat.
  • Despite his claims, it seems unlikely that
    the man will support any decision by Jig to have the baby. Therefore Jig will have to decide
    whether she is willing to be an unwed mother without a supportive and loyal male and without a
    dedicated father of her child. Given all the pressures she faces, it seems reasonable to assume
    that Jig succumbs to the man one more time.






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