Sunday 18 October 2009

How is the loss of innocence shown in Lord of the Flies?

When the
boys first arrive on the island, they organize their lives according the social norms they
learned in England. They elect a leader, use the conch to represent order as well as to give
everyone a chance to speak, and delay immediate gratification to tend the fire in the hopes of
being rescued.

, however, has been upset since he lost out toas the leader of
the group. He is the Hitler-figure in the novel, and like Hitler, he has a strong will to power.
He soon realizes that there is nobody to enforce social norms on the island, so he finds ways to
satisfy his lust for power. If Ralph andappeal to the rational, civilized, super-ego side of the
human psyche, Jack soon comes to understand he can easily lure the boys to his side through
appeals to their baser instincts.

The boys lose their innocence as they
follow Jack, who encourages and even commands that they give in to their repressed, atavistic
impulsesthe "id" side of their personalities that civilization...

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