Saturday 9 March 2013

What is the main conflict in terms of "Man versus [what?]" in "Araby" from Dubliners by James Joyce?

conflict of this very complex story relates to
allusions in the story (1) to the theme song of the actual Dublin
fair, which begins "I'll sing thee songs of "; (2) to Caroline Norton's poem "The
Arab's Farewell to His Steed"; and (3) to the bazar being anof a church.

When all these elements are taken together, it can be recognized in this cryptic and
elusive story that Mangan's nameless sister is a symbol for hypocrisy and
falseness in the Church (the bazar) and in religion
in Ireland.

In light of this, the conflict is best described as
Human (Man) versus Society. If we only focus
on the narrator's actions, it is possible to ascribe a less acceptable Human versus
Self conflict,
but this approach leaves so many threads of the stroy unaccounted for
and raises so many more questions than it answers that it must eventually be seen as an
unsatisfactory analysis of the conflict.

To cover further detail, the
theme song of the fair, "I'll
sing thee songs of Araby," is about bright illusions, "rainbow visions rise,"
that "cheat thee of a sign." This confirms Mangan's sister as one who cheats the
narrator by tempting him insincerely with a bright sign. The meaning of Norton's
which ends happily though with a note of upcoming repraisal, "who
overtakes us now shall claim thee for his pains!" is about betraying that which is

This poem meaning is the inverse
of the song, thus one
represents the story addressing the reader from the girl's point
of view while the other allusion represents the story addressing
the reader from the boy's point of view. The girl's point of view
is: I shall weave illusions to attain what I want from you. The
boy's point of view is: I have been betrayed and sold away for gain
(with the hope of a happy ending for his fate as well).

When these
allusions and their meanings are taken into account, the
primary conflict is clearly Human versus Society (since Mangan has
a larger role than a romantic interest as the symbol for the Church
and for religion), with a secondary conflict of Human versus Human
or versus Other.

I heard a voice call from one end of the
gallery that the light was out.
    Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a
creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.

[Allusions taken from "Wallace Gray's href="" title="Wallace Gray's Notes
for James Joyce's "Araby"">Notes for 's


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