Saturday 23 October 2010

Who Does Boxer Represent In Animal Farm

arguably the best character in 's because he possesses all the attributes
most of us admire. He is loyal, kind-hearted, and hard-working, always willing to do more if it
will benefit the common good. Of course this novella is anfor the people and events of a
specific time in Russian history, so Boxer is more than just a good cart horse; he represents
the common, working man.

Without Boxer, nothing on the farm would get
accomplished as easily, and some things, like the windmill, would not be done at all if it were
not for Boxer. He is not the most intelligent animal on the farm, but he is willing to question
authority when he feels things have gone too far. In general, though, he tends to believe that
if he works hard his efforts will eventually be recognized and he will be taken care of in his
old age by the leaders who need him to work. 

Of course we know that does not
happen and, when he has outlived his usefulness on the farm, he is sold to the knacker for some
whiskey for the pigs.

Boxer's mottoes are inspirational to the

"If Comradesays it, it must be

"I will work

"Napoleon is
always right."

He is trusting (perhaps too trusting)
of the pigs (the government), and when he has the chance to change things he does not even
realize it. He has one of his hooves on Napoleon's dogs, unwilling to believe the creature could
have been about to attack him; if he had taken action then, everything would have changed for
the animals under the pigs' oppressive rule. Instead he consults Napoleon and lets the dog go

Boxer represents the people who do what they should for themselves and
others but is mistreated by the very government that uses his strength and work to become an
oppressive entity.

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