Saturday 30 October 2010

How does one use a thematic statement to write a literary analysis essay arguing and proving the existence of a particular theme in Shakespeare's Romeo...

A thematic
will be different from a typical thesis in that with a thematic
statement you will be making a broader generalization about the work or
, rather than laying out a concise analytical argument. A
thematic statemen
t draws on a theme from a work and identifies the theme in a
complete sentence that makes generalizations about "human
motivation," the "human condition," or "human ambition" ("English
Language Arts"). Your thematic statement will not address specific characters
or moments in the play
, but rather be applicable to the entire
as a whole. We also want to avoid moralizing in
a thematic statement because a theme is not a moral. Also, be sure to avoid words that
generalize ideas in an absolute sense, such as "all, everyone, each, none, always, never,
etc" ("English Language Arts"). Instead use more general
, like "sometimes, often, we," etc ("English Language
Arts"). One example of a thematic statement for Morley Callahan's short story "Two
Fishermen" is

Selfish motives and the desire for
social approval can lead to betrayal of friendship. ("How to Write a Theme

If we were to take the
theme of fate vs. free will and turn it into a thematic statement,
we would first need to show how the play portrays the concepts of fate and free
will in a universal perspective
. To see how the theme fate vs. free will applies
universally and not just in the play, consider asking yourself: Are we all governed purely by
fate? or only by our own choices? Can we tell if we are being governed by fate or by our
choices? If we decide to state that it is difficult to tell, one possibility for a
thematic statement is

It can be difficult
to see if we are being controlled by fate or by our own rational choices.

If we decided to take a stronger position on the issue and say that

Shakespeare's work shows that our direct choices play a greater role in consequences
than fate, another possible thematic statement is

It is our own personal choices that create consequences rather than
our destinies.

Once you have your thematic statement, you
would then write a literary analysis essay in the same way one
normally would. You would draw on literary devices and techniques
that Shakespeare uses to relay his theme and show how these devices and techniques
prove your own thematic statement
. For example, one literary device authors often
use to establish theme is . You could analyze the ways in whichis
characterized to prove your thematic statement. For example, Romeo is characterized as being
rash, emotionally driven, and by making impetuous decisions. One example is his emotional
decision to revenge 's death by killing . This is a rash decision as Tybalt would have been
killed by the law regardless. This one rash decision leads to Romeo's death as well as 's death.
Hence, this characterization of Romeo's proves that
our consequences are governed by our choices and not necessarily

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