Tuesday 26 August 2008

In Candide, chapter 30, work keeps Candide, Pangloss, Martin, and Cacambo from what three great evils?

the final chapter of , Candide, Pangloss, Martin, Cacambo, Cunegonde, and
the old woman settle down and decide to "cultivate the garden." The Turk whom they
speak to in this chapter tells them the following:

must have a vast and magnificent estate, said Candide to the Turk.

I have
only twenty acres, replied the old man; I and my children cultivate them; our labour preserves
us from three great evilsweariness, vice, and want. (Chapter 30)

Here, the Turk says that his family's "labour," or work, protects them from
"weariness, vice, and want." In other words, their work keeps them from being
world-weary or hopeless, stops them from committing immoral acts, and makes them feel satisfied
enough that they do not "want" for anything more. The act of workin Candide and his
friends' case, tending to the gardenkeeps people occupied and out of trouble.

Work is here presented as an alternative to philosophizing, which is what our
characters have been doing for most of the novel. Pangloss continues to try to prove his flawed
optimistic theory in the final chapter of the novel, but Candide seems to have moved past it,
just wanting to work in the garden. The characters experienced and witnessed the most extreme
events imaginable in their journeys around Europe and South America. It makes sense that they
now want to settle into a calmer and more stable life. The ending can also be read as one of
resignation; after not being able to find the best world that Pangloss taught him about, Candide
sort of gives up and lives a simple life instead.

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