Friday 5 August 2011

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, why does Juliet go to Friar Laurence's cell?

Shakespeare's , we actually seego to 's cell twice.

first time she goes to Friar Laurence's cell is to marry . In Act 2, Romeo devises the plan that
if Juliet has permission from her parents to go to Friar Laurence's cell for confession, then
they can be married that morning, the morning after they meet. Nurse acts as Juliet's messenger
for Romeo's plans and we see that Romeo has laid out this plan when we see Nurse say the

Have you got leave to go to shrift
Then hie you hence to Friar Laurence's cell;
There stays
a husband to make you a wife. (II.v.68-71)

The word
"shrift" can be translated as "confession," showing us that Romeo's plan is
for Juliet to meet him at Friar Laurence's cell under the guise of going to confession. We see
Juliet at Friar Laurence's cell in the next scene, the scene in which Friar Laurence conducts
the marriage ceremony (

The second time Juliet goes to see Friar
Laurence in his cell also concerns marriage; however, ironically, she is trying to find a way
out of having to marrywhen she is already married to Romeo. Juliet, in desperation, asks for
Friar Laurence's advice, threatening suicide should he fail to be able to give her any, as we
see in the lines:

If in thy wisdom thou canst give no
Do thou but call my resolution wise
And with this knife I'll help it
presently. (IV.i.53-55)

It is in this scene that Friar
Laurence devises the plan to fake Juliet's death with a potion, thereby preventing the sin of
having him conduct, and having her enter, a polygamous marriage. 

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