Monday 7 December 2009

What is the quid pro quothat is being examined in the 2019 impeachment hearings? In other words, what is the President Trump being accused of, and is...

Quid pro quo is a Latin
expression which can be rendered into the famous English expression "You scratch my back,
and I'll scratch yours." In other words, if you do something for me, I'll do something for
you in return.

It has been alleged that this is the stance that President
Trump adopted in relation to his dealings with Vladimir Zelensky, the President of Ukraine.
Although Congress had authorized the sale of weapons to Ukraine to help it in its war against
Russia and her proxies in the Donbass, it is alleged that President Trump tried to block the
sale of those weapons until he got what he wanted from the Ukrainians. It is said that he wanted
the Ukrainian authorities to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, former Vice-President and one of the
Democratic candidates for President.

In other words, so the accusation runs,
Trump asked a foreign power to interfere in the 2020 presidential election on his behalf in
return for receiving a weapons whose sale that had already been authorized by

Trump's opponents argue that this is blatantly criminal behavior
that is deserving of impeachment. Some of his defenders have countered by arguing that, although
the quid pro quo was highly inappropriate on the President's part, his
actions did not constitute a criminal offense and is not deserving of

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